Geez...looking back at the's almost 2 weeks since i last updated.
Perhaps shall start blogging about today den go backwards. See how much i can remember. Maybe my planner can come into use !! LoL
TODAY Friday Didn't catch much sleep. i dozed off at about 3 something am while waiting for ade to look thru FYP. my head felt heavy so i landed on my bed...4 something i woke up. Realised ade msged me =p anyway, did some adjustments then off to bed at around 5 plus. And if i'm not wrong, juz as i drifted off to sleep again, my room mate suddenly came back. and WTH again with those unconsiderate movements and noise...but i htink i was too tired to bother ZzZzzzz
Then 7 something, my alarm clock rang. Wanted to catch ade before she went for presentation. Juz as i switched off my alarm clock, still in the sleepy mode, lying on bed, suddenly my room mate sprang out in front of me. She scared the hell outta me. And she asked "Can I borrow your phone ??" WTH !! Was she that desperate ?!!?!?!
Alvin and CX were 2 disappointed boys when they couldn't get the cheap MP3 player from Creative. They woke up at 5.30am to go...i was horrified when they told me last nite that they were taking the 1st bus out of NTU :s But when they reached, too many had to come back...
Finally submitted FYP...skipped PE to arrange and re-print some stuff. Quite rushed la....but i'm glad it's all over. Our hard work....hope it does pay off in the end.
ThursdayNothing much. Simulation discussion again. Sick of it...then evening went for BP recruitment talk. Didn't interest me...coz it's all about TRADING !!! Derivatives, swaps, commodities etc... the thought of it makes me feel like throwing up. But also reminds me i have to start studying soon.
WednesdayNo class. coz had the 306 seminar on monday. So slept until 9 plus coz had to continue editing FYP. Ming (aka Mary) came to NTU....Guang Liang Concert !!!! She's been my frequent visitor this semester. Or rather she has never been that frequent. Haha...but i love visitors. Being KS we went at 3.45pm to queue to get in when admission was only at 6pm and concert starts at 7pm. Supposedly brought stuff to read...but in the end juz sit there stone, talk, wait.Haha...
But really enjoyed the concert. Guang Liang's live was GREAT !!! Thumbs up =) Bought his new CD before the concert started so managed to get the poster as well. He autographed on both !!! So happy !!! My 1st autographed CD ?? How i wish i could get Sammi's autograph one day....

A copy of 光良的童话
I used Ming's camera to take a pic of my messy table !!! Looks sooo horrifying !!! Wonder how i find space to read. Haha...muz be everything pack and put one side....finish reading then put back. LoL

But i'm proud of my board...with all the SK II cards and also the poster Ade bought for me =)
TuesdayHmmm...what happened ?? I ermm...can't really remember. Except i went for the IBM talk. Think the job also not suitable for me....too IT ....haihhhz =(
MondayI will remember what happened. Morning Prof Hooi sms-ed me asking me to return call regarding FYP. He wanted to meet us. I called Ade...she sick. So left Meiling...i keep calling nobody pick up. I think my hands were too filled ?? I was still trying to get Meiling coz it's urgent. So i guess i didn't know that i lost my handphone pouch. My dear Esprit pouch. It's been with me for so many years. and i still love it. I am a sentimental person....Really sad that it uz disappeared =( Will i find another soon ?? People have been telling me 旧的不去,新的不来. Haihhz....
SundayLet's see...all i can remember was the wonderful steamboat buffet dinner at M Hotel. This time we brought grandma along !! =) yummy......*drools* Had a great feast....but i think overate !! Haha...but still....DELICIOUS !! I just love having steamboat...
SaturdayMorning went to East Coast Park to blade with Alvin, CX, YY, ZM, Ade n Nicky. Geez....haven't worn blades for the past 10 years ?? Initially i was still skeptical whether i could still remember how to blade. Took me quite some time before i felt a little more confident and went ahead of the rest with Alvin. But YY and CX could blade after the 2 hour session !!! =) Ade and Zm are good teachers ?? =p
After that, dad picked me up and we went to the Toyota showroom...hehe...i really wonder if dad will really get a 2nd car for mum and me =) *thinking* The camry is good to drive but difficult to park. So if really get, i guess it would be the Vios. Black or white ?!!? wishful thinking ?? hehe...mum said she's amazed that i was kinda traditional...prefer sedans instead of those hatchbacks (is this the correct spelling!??!!?)
FridayNothing much i think. Except that dad came earlier to pick me up coz he had a dinner. As usual went for guitar.
ThursdayWent to watch my 1st Korean movie-- "A Moment to Remember". It was becoz of Alvin's sudden enthusiasm that we all went. HAHA.... quite a touching story. Teared a little. But YY they all said there were better Korean movies. Oh was the 1st time i saw Ming cry !!! HAHAHA....her eyes all red =p she blew her nose at the end which attracted all our attention !!! =p
WednesdayNothing unusual happened i suppose....Really can't recall.
TuesdayAlvin, CX, WJ and QY went for KTV session with YY to celebrate her birthday !!! Ade and I went down later after class to meet them for dinner at Chinatown. Ermm.....very far... but still had fun la. Had dinner at 美食街 then wanted to go the 糖水 shop dad brought us the other time. But the shop was going to close we detoured and went to the hawkers to have 汤圆(is this the correct word ??) YY got a nice red Addidas jacket as a i have a pic of it ?? =p
Yesh i do....Haha...dun woryy YY....i chose the best pic from Alvin's album =)

Anyway, this is a pic we took at 美食街. Where's Alvin !???! LoL...he was cameraman =p
MondayNothing significant again i guess....coz no memories at all...HAHAHA
But i think overall i gave quite a good summary of the past 2 weeks =) time to sleep....only 2 hrs ++ of sleep !!!