Birthday 2005 @ Olio

I took a cucumber that's why it looks funny...

Forgot to take pic first i stirred it already -.-'''

Fantastic mango juice @ a very reasonable priceeeee =)

Couldn't finish this....left nearly half the basket....=p

~~yummy~~~ although this wasn't wad i ordered... coz i already ate mine when i remembered to take pic -.-''''

Me and my marinara

My family =)

And finally....a wish come true....

she's coming for the premiere of 長恨歌orhz....
den 933 giving tickets...
morning and evening time slots...
morning timeslot also givin an opportunity to have dinner wif her....
wah....nice birthday dinner...
hihi, first time posting here...seems like we like the same singers! (Hmmm...good taste!)
Hi christine..
i left a comment on your prev blog, the end of ER venice fest one.. heh. not sure if you saw it. anyway. is sammi coming tmr to promote ER? junction 8 at 7 issit? not very sure.. hm.. but want to go leh..
Can i have soMe fOOd pLs?? hahaha FinaLly Piggy is here to Drop you a Msg.. heheh eh.. very lOng never update your blog? hahaha :-)
LoL....i juz realised that almost the whole white grp left msg in this entry !!! hahaha....
yung: we definitely have good taste !!! LoL
vii: i dun think i really knew u before my bday...haha...otherwise would have invited u along =)
piggy: yah...long time no update !!! now updating le !!! hehe... food food...but i thought piggy needs more sleep !! =p
eh, well Piggy needs more food and rest tOo.. haha but Piggy is growing horizontal than vertical.. :-( so i guess sleep is still the BEST!!!
I am growing horizontal's been long long ago since i last grew vertical !!! *sadz* SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP !!! SLEEP is d best!!!
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