Xmas 2005...MERRY CHRISTMAS !!

A mini-spread on Christmas Eve.... mini-gathering with granny, my auntie and my cousin + bf. Nothing really exciting ....juz food and talk and watching of dvd. hahahaha.... But it was a busy day for my mum who was preparing hte food....and for me coz i practically slept half the day away and had to go to town to collect the log cake and ham..... lol
Christmas morning... went to church....we made a blunder thinking that service was at 9.30am... went there only to find there was no combine service and there was 10.30am service... so sat thru the earlier session which was halfway thru and continued the with the next session.
Christmas buffet lunch at CSC.... haha...nothing great.... wad can u expect from the swimming club @ a not so expensive price. But it was filled with kids playing around with the ice-cream and fruit juicer.
Since no meeting with my HMBC grp....went home to sleep and watch dvd and attended another church evening event. Not fantastic also.... previous year's performance was definitely better ....
Boxing day....slept my way thru again and spent the next 1/2 of the day reading my IRAS circulars.... goshhh -.-'''''
wa wah!!!!! early in the mOrnIng u make piggy dRool!!!! i want to eat wOr!!! hahahah this sat gOing where to pLAY????? gOt bRing Piggy along aNOt?? hahaha Miss boBbble lots... take gOod care aH... *hugz*
HAHAHHAA...nice food horrr... :p
hmm...saturday dun know yet lehh... haven decided go where yet...piggy going anywhere ??
wow so much food...
Happy New Year! :)
Hee.. Missy bobble, i also wan join!! Bring me along tOo!! Haha.. :p HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
missy suen....u come here la...den we can party !!! =)
Haa..Missy bobble, where we par-tee? At missy house? Yeah.. U cook for me ya!! Wahahahahaha...
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