Rip told me that in time to come, i will realise that SE phones are the best compared to all other phones...LOL... i shall explore my new phone....but for now... all i know is how to make calls and sms...and prob taking a pic too..hahahah...
Mum is still dead set at sponsoring less than 1/2 the cost of the phone !!!! GOSHHHH -.-''''
My pay isn't here yet and i already have a liability....accounts payable !!!!
i saw the w900i on looks a bit too big..didn't really like it....still like wad i have now !!! ^.^
Even though i didn't practice guitar for today...coz i was bz clearing the phone memory of my samsung... i enjoyed my lesson today ^.^ Could sight read...and Ms Tey thought the piece was difficult...but turned out we played thru it pretty quickly...managed to go thru 3 times and we spent quite a long time talking again today =p
11th day @ work....hahah...i cannot forget this part can i ??
oh well...they had NKF body checkup today. Becoz 2 ppl were on leave, they asked if i wanted to go for it...but i declined the offer. Dare not see the ht and wt and the amt of body fats i have man... -.-'''' i think the person would most prob tell me i have to go on diet straight away or stop eating and like exercise everyday or something...
I started on the new pile of entries today.... so many mistakes and confusing parts that i kept going out to find my mentor. I nver walked sooo many trips before and she ended up saying ..."小姐。。。有有事啊?" LOL... she's gonna be on leave tmr... and i'm gonna have a good time online again...wahaha....
Today i went to sbs and used IM so much that i kinda forgot i was supposed to be working !!! LOL ... but that really kept me awake !!! 2 more ppl joined my sleepy gang...hahhaa..ding jie and rip !!! think tmr history will repeat itself and i'll be having fun online !!
p/s: binny or ming...pls remind me to try call ms ler... sheeshh i seriously dun knwo how to start a conversation after 3 yrs leavings skool...
and lil miss piggy....if u read this, pls msg me wad time to meet and where !!!!
Hehe...Bobble!! Congrtz!! Finally ur dreams come true!! Yeah~
wahwah...u also got this phone le...
yeahh....still exploring it... hehehe...
Not only does Mi use it, i think Joey is also the spokesperson !! (just found out) hehehe...
Vii: u are extreme la !!! was it a month and u lost interest in it ??
OMG...a week !!!!
goshh... wad else can i say !!! =.='''
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