Convocation 2005
13th July 2005....the date of my convocation when i put on my graduation gown. I have FINALLY finished the 3 yr Accountancy course in NTU. Not exactly smooth-sailing, but i had my share of work, projects, headaches, sleepless nights, exams, serials from zijia, ktv and badminton, dinners with my usual gang, fun and most importantly the friends i've made throughout the 3 yrs. Not forgetting to mention some visits by ming and binny occassionally.
Lotsa photo taking during that day. Walked till my legs went wobbly. Really appreciate ming and binny for coming down especially to take pics with me =) They really are my best pals after so many years =).
A very memorial day for me...for mum and dad too. But i didn't like the mortar board...made me look funny


Dad, Me and Mum

Me, Ming, Binny and Ade

Group photo outisde the corridor of S4....where NBS is and the path i took almost everyday for hte past 3 yrs. Running and walking whenever i'm late =p
More pics at
Lotsa photo taking during that day. Walked till my legs went wobbly. Really appreciate ming and binny for coming down especially to take pics with me =) They really are my best pals after so many years =).
A very memorial day for me...for mum and dad too. But i didn't like the mortar board...made me look funny


Dad, Me and Mum

Me, Ming, Binny and Ade

Group photo outisde the corridor of S4....where NBS is and the path i took almost everyday for hte past 3 yrs. Running and walking whenever i'm late =p
More pics at
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