Monday, December 20, 2004


Subject registration was to be done today. But due to some reason, i had to register in the morning whereas the others did theirs at 12pm. I had everything all done up. Managed to persuade Michelle to change index to join me. Everything was kinda settled. Then when it was their turn, the damn server screwed up. Darn lousy la...NBS & CITS sucksss... couldn't log in. It nearly took 1 hr before we could enter. Everyone was desperate. I could be relaxed as everything has been done. But somehow, this darn thing screwed up Michelle & gang's registration. Now, we're in diff class. That's when my anxiety surfaced. Some might think why must be in same class?? I guess it's just good to have someone you know in the class.
When it was 5pm, i entered again. Saw that my class, the vacancies were moving. I thought there was chance for my class to close and join Michelle's. But i guess, there's just something toying around with me. The vacacines from 23...fell to 15...10...etc... I kept calling, to ask whether they wanted to change...but it seemed as if nobody wanted to pick up. When 3 parties were willing, we couldn't reach Miss 4. I was so sick of calling her. Then end up...the 4 left 1. The gang's policy, if 1 change, all must change. Unless someone drops out from Michelle's class, i will be all alone. Damn. NBS SCREWED EVERYTHING UP!


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