Everlasting Regret

My latest book... chinese novel....LoL... wonder how long it will take me to finish it... Have only read 2 pages so far.... HAHHAHAHAAH
Well, i bought it coz i wanted to read it and know the story before watching the movie when it shows next month. Of course it's a Sammi movie. haha.... she put in a lot of hard work for it !!! and i believe it will be fantastic !!!! It's been nominated for Venice film festival... international competition !!! and Sammi is in to compete for Best Actress along with other big international stars !!! Whole world is watching out for her !!! i'm so proud =) She's in Venice now.
All the best Sammi !!!! Hope this film gets at least an award !!!!
lol...later i dun understand the movie. haha... better read first. these kind of arty arty movie i think v hard to understand !!
2046 type ah?
cheem cheem
hmm....i dun know wad type leh
i din watch 2046...anyway, u all have to watch with me !!!!!
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