Saturday, April 30, 2005

It came soo suddenly...

When mum came back from the briefing for our trip next week...*excited*, she suddenly told me that she would be going to Melaka with dad and grandma the very next day. I was kinda stunned O.O Like how come juz decide to go without me ?!!? Well, knowing that mum would NEVER do that to me...there was bound to be reason...Carolyn's grandpa passed away on thursday nite and they are attending the funeral. was juz easter weekend that they went back to Melaka to visit him.
He was a nice old chap...but there was no way i could communicate coz i dun understand a single word of hokkien *shyz*. Soft-spoken and smiling whenever i saw him. He had brain tumour which was cancerous...and it was the last stage when they found out. I guess it was pretty tormenting for him...1 side of him practically lost sense of touch and he was consistently on morphine. After a while, his memory failed him too...he kinda even mixed up his own children. The 2 old folks didn't want to stay in SG where uncle YL and TL could look after them. They'd rather go back home. Saw the very fillial side of them when i heard that Uncle YL goes back to melaka every fri after work and rush back on sunday for work. He goes back every week without fail. Uncle TL goes back too if he doesn't have to fly.
They've got many children...but all scattered around the globe...Australia, London, England etc... They all came back to visit him 1-2 months ago... kinda like a family reunion. But dun think they would go back for the funeral...not enough time !!! Well, as they said, it was more practical to spend time when he was alive. is soo brittle... Comes and goes so quickly... better cherish all ur loved ones while u still can.
So's home alone...but my aunt should be coming over pretty soon with my dinner =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ay yoz....y din u say earlier u no dinner at hm? den mayb cld haf gone for dinner or stg n can discuss abt hui present mar... haiz..too bad can tian mi mi wif u wor! :p

30 April, 2005 22:32  
Blogger ChRiStInE said...

LoL...told u already last min decision wad...
anyway, see that u finally signed up with blogspot too !! can leave more comments le :D

02 May, 2005 23:06  

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